Thursday, May 14, 2009

So, I rarely update the blog but decided to get on here and change things. Everyone knows that my husband, Aaron, passed away April 9, 2009. We were Lee Party of Five, now changed to a family of four. It is still so bizarre that this has all happened. Five weeks ago today, Aaron was at the church playing basketball with friends and collapsed, and happened to have possession of the ball at the time. He always was a ball hog! Throughout all the chaos, one of the elders gave him a blessing and they proceeded to administer CPR. The paramedics arrived and started working on him and that is when one of his friends called me. I knew when I saw the caller ID that something was wrong. Chris told me that Aaron had collapsed and that they were working on him and that it didn't look good. I immediately started shaking, not believing what I was hearing. A couple of friends came over and one took me to the hospital. I waited in the regular waiting room for a short time and then a nurse came in and took me into a private waiting room. That is never a good sign! My friend, Deb, was with me when the doctor and nurse came in to deliver the devastating news. The doctor said Aaron took only one gasp. He died of a massive heart attack at age 31. No one could believe it. I still can't believe it. I'll write more at a later time.

Friday, January 02, 2009

One of my New Year's resolutions is to update this blog. Aaron set it up last year and we have yet to update it. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I'll have some new pictures up. See ya soon!

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Boys: Spencer, Aidan and Carson

The boys showing the love, and playing with little brother.


Spencer in his grim reaper costume, and just being Spence. Spencer had a great halloween with Grandma Yeoman, and was happy to get a lot of candy.


Carson loves the camera, and will say "cheese" every time he sees a camera. We are introducing the potty, and as you can see he enjoys wearing underwear.


Here are some pictures of Aidan, one was taken just prior to leaving Utah. He was Superman this year for Halloween. He enjoyed dressing up and was glad that Grandma Yeoman was here to trick or treat with him.